In Colegio Mayor Vedruna we are convinced of the importance of taking care of and developing the spiritual dimension in the same way that we take care of the physical, intellectual and social-emotional dimensions, with which it is in continuous relationship, forming a whole. This gives meaning and content to our own actions and leads us to commit ourselves to others, to live practices associated with our faith such as volunteering, which requires us to give a little of who we are. Through Pastoral Care, in Colegio Mayor Vedruna we want to foster growth in faith and accompany the spiritual dimension of each resident. The activities offered by the Colegio Mayor are diverse, and each girl can choose according to her preferences or needs. However, the Pastoral (and therefore the spiritual dimension) is a transversal axis in all the doing and living of the Colegio Mayor, which affects all the collegiate life. Some of the activities are:

  • Faith group: To offer a concrete space and time in which to continue to deepen the personal dimension of faith together with other young people with whom we share life, anecdotes, experiences, and are also able to continue knowing Jesus together, deepening personal experiences and favoring commitment, as believers, in society and in the Church.
  • Choir and celebrations: Music as a means of prayer and celebration, throughout the Eucharisty and feasts that we have throughout the course.
  • Musical company: The Deep Darshan Company is made up of young people of different places and ages linked to the Vedruna Pastoral. Together, they prepare a great musical theatre play every year. In addition, all profit goes to a solidarity project. It is an example of companionship and teamwork.
  • Volunteering and solidarity campaigns: We promote the participation of our young women residents in various health projects, with minors, in social lunchrooms, or in old people's homes. In addition, together with the pastoral delegates and the rest of the Colegios Mayores, we think of specific joint actions so that all the students can discover the gratuities received when we give part of our time to be with others.
  • - International volunteering: We offer our young women the experience of sharing part of their summer in a different reality outside our national borders, inserted in other Vedruna Communities all over the world. We do this in collaboration with the Equipo de Voluntariado Internacional Vedruna (Vedruna International Volunteering Team). To this end, the young women commit themselves to a very useful monthly formation to prepare themselves for the experience.
  • And much more!: Solidarity weeks (in which we collect money for international projects), participation in various prayers, occasional campaigns, visits, excursions…

“From the Vedruna Family I take with me the opportunity to have participated in different activities such as the faith group, local volunteering, the musical company… a great amount of activities that help you be a better person and give yourself to others with joy.”


“It is a great experience to be able to have fun with the script, carry out a great show as a team, and make the audience enjoy for a few hours.”


“As a weekly activity I chose to volunteer and I don’t regret it, I like knowing that my little knowledge and my time can help people in need.”
